Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chilly LA Night? Drink Hot Tea.

This is our most popular green tea, Green Jasmine. It is fair trade certified, caffeine-free, and herbal.

Hot tea is known for its various health benefits, from being a classic way to fight off a cold or simply a healthier alternative to other flavorful beverages like soda and coffee.

Our hot teas, supplied by Groundwork coffee, are 100% organic. Many also have fair trade certification (which means that the workers that brought you those tea leaves are making higher, more fair, wages).

Whether you want a hot tea to warm up in chilly weather or to calm that cold that's going around the office, we have what you're looking for.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies

These are our chocolate chip and walnut cookies.

Jeff makes them fresh everyday and they are one of our biggest crowd-pleasers. Don't believe us? Come try one for yourself. ;)

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Healthier Approach to Sweets

We love sweets. Really, who doesn't? Our pastry chef Jeff makes fresh and beautiful cakes, cookies, cupcakes, tarts, and other absolutely delicious desserts.

Pretty, yummy, and we even use the healthiest possible approach to make our desserts a little less guilty while still keeping them tasty and mouth-watering.

Here's what we do:
  • Whenever possible, we bake with Sweet Cactus Farms agave and Wax Orchards fruit juice sweetener to flavor our desserts. It's a healthier alternative to using white sugar.
  • Upon request, we can also make gluten-free or vegan desserts for you. Just call and ask a couple days ahead of time and you'll have sweets that meet your dietary needs and healthy lifestyle.
So, if you have a sweet tooth, come in and try our desserts. You won't regret it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Giving Back to the Community

The Novel Cafe is successful because we have the support and business of our community. So, we got to thinking... It's time to give back more.

Starting this month, the Novel Cafe is going to be donating approximately $500 per month to local charities, or charities that help the local community. We'll be picking a different charity each month, with your help.

How can you help? Just let us know which charity you think we should donate to and why.

Leave comments here or on our Facebook page to get involved!